Capturing these fleeting moments and turning them into art.

Capturing these fleeting moments and turning them into art. I blend candid photos with small details to give you the most beautiful photos you've ever had taken.

No matter how hard we try and remember all of these important moments, things slip through the cracks. There are times that I've been searching through old photos, only to be immersed into those memories I had forgotten. There is so much I would never have remembered if it weren't for those pictures and I am infinitely grateful for them. I don't want you to miss out on those memories either, this is why I do what I do.



It may not feel like it now, but you will want photos of when you were pregnant! Or maybe you are feeling great and ready to get these done! We schedule the date for between 36-38 weeks along. Whether you want a simple shoot in jeans or a romantic shoot in a flowy dress, I am HERE for it! I love mixing my clients ideas with my own artistic flair.

Complimentary client closet available.

Prices starting at $575

birth photography session golden bc


Birth photography is documentary style, following the love story between you and your partner, the first moments you both meet your new little one, and all of their tiny details. Photos can be as PG as you like.

During Birth, the physiological processes don't allow women to be fully present, so having these to look back on is just the best, not to mention, your little one will love looking back on it! Mine certainly does.


Special model call pricing of $800


Capture those tiny details! Book a newborn session before they turn 3 weeks old for best affect. They are more sleepy at this age and they grow so quickly!

Motherhood Photography:
The special bond between a Mother and her baby (or child(ren)). These photos will tug at your heartstrings. This session is quiet and beautiful, a special date for you and your babes.

Complimentary client closet available for all sessions.

Prices starting at $575


A fun, laid-back adventure session capturing the connection between you and your partner. Not reallly "pose-y", but I do give little prompts and easy direction. This ensures that I capture the essence of you both while creating beautiful art. These are such a lovely keepsake, whether you're already married or have a new romance. You'll love looking back on this time you shared together.

Prices starting at $575

If this interests you, click here for a no-fuss consultation.

maternity and birth photographer golden bc

Hi, I'm Jackie!

Serial over-user of the exclamation mark! In all seriousness, photography has been a deep passion of mine for 26 years. Bringing breath-taking images that make my clients swoon is everything to me and I cherish every photo I have of my own family.

I was born and raised right here in Golden, BC and most of my extended family lives here too and we are very tight-knit. I love beautiful things and adore "cottage-core". You can almost always find me at home, cooking something delicious in the kitchen, gardening or taking pictures of my flowers- haha!

Oftentimes, people don't see the value in professional photography, but I promise you won't be disappointed. We don't get a re-do on life with our loved ones, so get the pictures taken.

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